Rogaška Slatina, 16. junij 2023
V četrtek, 15.6.2023, poteka že tretji festivalski dan ISFF v Rogaški Slatini, filmi so na ogled brezplačno v dvorani mestnega Kulturnega doma. Vključno z današnjim dnem bo tam predvajano že 24 od 45 filmov. Poleg tega se izbor filmov predvaja tudi na Odru pod zvezdami, to je na velikem ekranu na Evropski ploščadi Zdraviliškega parka v Rogaški Slatini. Včeraj smo si med drugimi lahko ogledali igrani/dokumentarni film o Zlatanu Ibrahimoviču.
Danes se bodo projekcije pričele ob 20.30 s turškim filmom The Hoop, sledil mu bo italijanski film Enzo Ferrari, o ustanovitelju prestižne znamke avtomobilov Ferrari. Film se bo pričel ob 20.30, udobni stoli so na voljo, vsi ogledi so brezplačni, potrebujete le dobro voljo in jopico, saj so večeri še precej hladni. Do konca večernih projekcij se bodo odvrteli še 4 kratki filmi, zadnji se bo zaključil ob 22.15.
On Thursday, June 15, 2023, the third day of the ISFF (International Sports Film Festival) is taking place in Rogaška Slatina. The films are being screened for free in the auditorium of the City Cultural Center. Including today, a total of 24 out of 45 films will have been shown there. Additionally, a selection of films is being screened at the Open-Air Stage, which is a large screen located at the European Square in the Park of Rogaška Slatina.
Yesterday, among other films, viewers had the opportunity to watch a feature/documentary film about Zlatan Ibrahimović. Today, the screenings will begin at 8:30 PM with a Turkish film titled “The Hoop.” It will be followed by an Italian film called “Enzo Ferrari,” which tells the story of the founder of the prestigious Ferrari automotive brand. The film will start at 8:30 PM. Comfortable seating is available, and all screenings are free of charge. It is advisable to bring a jacket or sweater as the evenings can still be quite chilly.
Until the end of the evening screenings, four short films will also be shown, with the final one concluding at 10:15 PM. Enjoy the films and have a great time at the festival!