4. dan Mednarodnega festivala športnega filma


Rogaška Slatina, 17. junij 2023

Danes se je v Rogaški Slatini zaključil 2. mednarodni festival športnega igranega in dokumentarnega filma ISFF 2023

Letos si je žirija ogledala 380 filmov in izmed njih izbrala 45 finalistov, ki smo si jih od srede do danes lahko ogledali v Kulturnem domu v Rogaški Slatini, nekatere pa tudi na Odru pod zvezdami, na Evropski ploščadi v Zdraviliškem parku.

Zmagovalec v kategoriji igranih športnih filmov je filipinski film Igralec baseballa,

Film pripoveduje zgodbo sedemnajstletniku, ki si želi postati igralec baseballa in ima mlajšega prijatelja, ki ga na tej poti spremlja. V filmu se lepo prepletata zgodbo o prijateljstvu in ambicijah dečka v nemirnem času vojne. Film odlikuje dobra fotografija in pripoved o nemirnih časih vojne, ki še posebej vplivajo na otroke. Režiser je glavna mlada igralca odlično vodil, jasno pa je, da sta oba mladostnika tudi izjemno nadarjena.

Zmagovalec v kategoriji dokumentarnih športnih filmov je ameriški film Zasvojena z življenjem.

Dokumentarni film o belgijski športnici, paraolimpijski prvakinji, ki se odloči za evtanazijo. Odlična zgodba o invalidnosti in športu, zgodba, ki je tudi v slovenskem prostoru v tem trenutku še posebej aktualna, saj pove, da sama možnost evtanazije lahko tudi pozitivno vpliva na zdravje človeka, ki se zanjo odloči. Film je odlično posnet, ob odlični dramaturgiji ostane gledalec obenem pretresen in izpolnjen.

Zmagovalca v kategoriji kratkih igranih športnih filmov sta dva,turški film Derviš in španski animirani film Egoland.

Ker je zadnji film v bistvu animirani film, posebne kategorije za animirani film na festivalu pa še ni, se je žirija odločila, da podeli v tej kategoriji dve nagradi.

Derviš je zgodba o otroku z downovim sindromom, ki tekmuje v teku s svojimi prijatelji. Pridno trenira, saj si želi zmagati, toda ko pride dan D, se zgodi nekaj, kar premaga njegovo željo po zmagi. Film je dobro posnet, igralci z downovim sindromov in ostali gledalcu pričarajo občutek dokumentarnega posnetka, sama dramaturgija pa gledalca ne pusti ravnodušnega.

Egoland je odlična animirana zgodba o plezalcih na eni strani in svetu ceremonij in nagrad na drugi strani. Animacija, zvok, glasba in režija so vrhunski v vseh delih pripovedi, sama zgodba pa je inovativna in dramaturško odlično izpeljana. Egoland je vrhunski animirani športni film, ki si zasluži posebne pozornosti.

Film Egoland je prejel tudi prestižno nagrado ISFF 2023 GRAND PRIX, kar pomeni, da nas bo zastopal na krovnem festivalu FICTS v Milanu.

Zmagovalec v kategoriji kratkih športnih filmov je ameriški film Honey Bunny Duracell.

Zgodba o češki bokserki je odlično posneta, montaža zvoka in slike, prehodi med sekvencami ta film uvrščajo ne le med športne, temveč tudi med umetniške. Boks je psihološko in fizično zahteven šport in režiserka je uspela pokazati napor, ki ga mora športnica premagovati tako na treningu kot v bojih.



Today, the 2nd International Festival of Sports Fiction and Documentary Films, ISFF 2023, concluded in Rogaška Slatina.

This year, the jury watched 380 films and selected 45 finalists. From Wednesday until today, these films were screened at the Cultural Center in Rogaška Slatina, and some of them were also shown on
the Open-Air Stage at the European Square in the Spa Park.

The winner in the category of feature sport film is the Filipino film “The Baseball Player.”

Justification: The film tells the story of a seventeen-year-old boy who aspires to become a baseball player and has a younger friend accompanying him on this journey. The film beautifully intertwines the story of friendship and the boy’s ambitions in a troubled time of war. The film stands out for its excellent cinematography and the narrative of turbulent war times, which particularly impact children. The director skillfully guided the two main young actors, and it is evident that both teenagers are exceptionally talented.

The winner in the category of documentary feature sport film is the American film “Addicted to Life.”

Justification: This documentary film follows a Belgian athlete, a Paralympic champion, who decides to undergo euthanasia. It is an excellent story about disability and sports, a story that is particularly relevant in the Slovenian context at the moment, as it shows that the possibility of euthanasia can also have a positive impact on a person’s health when they choose it. The film is superbly shot and, with its excellent dramaturgy, leaves the viewer both shaken and fulfilled.

In the category of short feature sport film, there are two winners: the Turkish film “Dervish” and the Spanish animated film “Egoland.”

Since the latter film is actually an animated film and there is no separate category for animated films at the festival yet, the jury decided to award two prizes in this category.

Justification 1: “Dervish” is the story of a child with Down syndrome who competes in a race with his friends. He trains hard because he wants to win, but on the day of the race, something happens that overcomes his desire for victory. The film is well-shot, and the actors with Down syndrome and others create a sense of a documentary for the viewer. The overall dramaturgy leaves the audience deeply moved.

Justification 2: “Egoland” is an excellent animated story about climbers on one side and the world of ceremonies and awards on the other. The animation, sound, music, and direction are outstanding in all aspects of the narrative, and the story itself is innovative and skillfully executed in terms of dramaturgy. “Egoland” is a top-notch animated sports film that deserves special attention. The film also received the prestigious ISFF 2023 GRAND PRIX award, which means it will represent our ISFF festival at the FICTS festival in Milan.

The winner in the category of short sport film is the American film “Honey Bunny Duracell.”

Justification: This film about a Czech female boxer is excellently shot, with sound and visual editing that transitions between sequences, placing the film not only in the sports genre but also in the realm of art. Boxing is a psychologically and physically demanding sport, and the director successfully portrays the effort that the athlete must overcome both in training and in fights.

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